
18 Irreverent Thoughts About the Pork Belly of Digital Content

I remember when I was a young boy in the ’60s and the hippies who lived in that restored school bus out in the meadow started tripping and when they came back to earth, they started this thing called blogging. It was really something. They raised a tie-dyed flag above the bus that read “Blogging […]

The Rise and Fall of the Content Strategist

Virginia Guard Fredericksburg Reenactment

As a lifelong writer and fan of the written word, I have a particularly sensitive “phrase radar.” I’m very skeptical of overlords and unscrupulous marketers trying to put one by us, especially euphemisms like “passed away,” “collateral damage,” “downsizing” and “correctional facility.” I also pay attention to job titles, especially those in my wheelhouse, content […]